<style>.lazy{display:none}</style>Sinopsis Buku November 2019 - INSTITUT PENILAIAN NEGARA



1. Building maintenance

 Builiding Maintenance

Pengarang  : Brian Wood      

Imprint  :  West Sussex  :  Wiley-Blackwell , 2009 

Mukasurat :  311 ms 


Maintaining a building is expensive: it costs many times more to run a building than to build it, yet maintenance is often accorded a low priority. Building Maintenance covers the technical aspects of maintenance for undergraduate students on built environment courses, particularly building surveying and facilities management. It addresses the major questions regarding maintenance activities and shows that maintenance should be considered seriously at the design stage. Extensive case studies illustrate what can go wrong, how to put matters right and how to get it right first time....Maintaining a building is expensive: it costs many times more to run a building over its lifetime than to build it, yet maintenance is often not accorded the priority it warrants. A poorly maintained building will be a drain on resources and will impair building use, whereas a well maintained building will function smoothly and represent an appreciating asset to its owners.

Building Maintenance is a core text on the technical aspects of maintenance for undergraduate degree students on built environment courses, particularly building surveying and facilities management. It addresses the 'who, what, where, when, how and why' of maintenance activities and shows that maintenance should be considered seriously at the design stage. Extensive case studies illustrate what can go wrong, how to put matters right and how to get it right first time, next time.

A professional approach is required to building maintenance. By encouraging maintenance managers to stand back and take a strategic view of building maintenance alongside their day-to-day tasks, this book will help practitioners and students to achieve that.


2. Coaching and mentoring

Coaching and mentoring

Pengarang : Bob Garvey        

Imprint  : Los Angelas  :  Sage , 2018

Mukasurat : 346 ms 


Drawing on extensive research and the authors’ own experiences as coaches and mentors, the book offers a critical perspective on the theory and practice of coaching and mentoring.

The Third Edition is split into four parts and has been updated to include the contemporary debates, issues and influences in the field. It features a collection of new international case-studies, drawn from the USA, Africa, Asia and South America, along with an increased emphasis on current topics such as internal coaching schemes, e-technologies and social media.

In addition to these features, there are four new chapters:

  • Perspectives on Coaching and Mentoring from around the Globe – Comparing case studies written by practitioners in locations around the world.
  • The Skilled Coachee – An examination of the role of coachee in the coaching and mentoring process.
  • Question of Ethics – A chapter devoted to the ethical issues inherent in coaching and mentoring.
  • Towards a Meta-Theory – A chance for the reader to conceive new ways to engage with theory and practice.

The book is complemented by a companion website featuring a range of tools and resources for instructors and students, including PowerPoint slides, flash-cards and access to full text SAGE Journal articles.

Suitable reading for students on coaching and mentoring modules.


3. Digital Marketing : Strategic planning & integration

Digital Marketing

Pengarang :  Annmarie Hanlon    

Imprint :  London :  Sage , 2019

Mukasurat : 395  ms 

Sinopsis :

An unbiased approach to the latest digital marketing models, offering students and practitioners a range of tools to implement in their digital marketing planning and strategy.

Covering all aspects of digital marketing planning, and the latest digital marketing models, the book aims to provide a roadmap for a digital marketing journey. As such, its structure maps against the development of a digital marketing plan and concludes with a ready-made digital marketing plan template to download and adapt. In addition to this, the content is supported by case examples from real-world organizations, and a number of features throughout the chapters:


4. Facilities management : Managing maintenance for buildings and facilities

Facilities Mgt

Pengarang :  Joel D. Levitt   

Imprint : New York  :  Momentum Press  , 2013

Mukasurat :  235 ms  

Sinopsis :

Facilities management is a broad-based discipline that calls into play architectural, construction, engineering, and management and human skills, particularly for running and maintaining commercial, institutional, academic, and industrial buildings. If you're a newcomer to facilities management you will find this book an excellent introduction to managing maintenance. Already an established professional? You'll be able to brush up on the latest technological and regulatory trends affecting how complex facilities should be successfully maintained by way of risk assessment.

The book contains ample, ready-to-use assessment forms and resources for extended practical information. Highlights include: Coverage of key components of facilities maintenance management including risk management, building safety, operations and purchasing, staffing, and more. Guidance on new trends including 'lean building maintenance' and Green Building specs (Green Spec) like LEED as well as guidance on legal contracts, safety regulations, energy efficiency, and more. The author also details specific management guidance by building type including apartments, office buildings, hotels and resorts, government buildings, schools, transport facilities, and many others.


5. Performance appraisal and management

Performance appraisal

Pengarang :  Kevin r. Murphy    

Imprint       :  Los Angelas  : Sage , 2019 

Mukasurat :  398 ms  

Sinopsis :

Organizations of all sizes face the challenge of accurately and fairly evaluating performance in the workplace.  Performance Appraisal and Management distills the best available research for and translate those findings into practical, concrete strategies. This text explores common obstacles and why certain performance appraisal methods often result in failures.  Using a strategic, evidence-based approach, the authors outline best practices for avoiding common pitfalls and helping organizations achieve their maximum potential. Cases, exercise, and spotlight boxes on timely issues like cyberbullying in the workplace and appraising team performance provides readers with opportunities to hone their critical thinking and decision making skills.


6. Rahsia minda jutawan

Rahsia minda jutawan

Pengarang  :  Amar Mahmood        

Imprint        :  Kuala Lumpur :  PTS Profesional ,, 2009

Muka surat :  105  ms 

Sinopsis :

Rahsia Minda Jutawan menerangkan ciri-ciri personaliti, motivasi, kepercayaan, matlamat dan cara berfikir para jutawan. Mereka bukan sahaja terlatih dalam bidang kewangan, malah dalam memotivasikan diri, berfikiran positif serta menggunakan minda separa sedar dengan efektif bagi mencapai cita-cita untuk berjaya. Mereka sebenarnya adalah orang biasa yang berjaya mencapai kejayaan luar biasa. Bagaimana?

Rahsia Minda Jutawan perlu dimiliki sekiranya kita ingin belajar bagaimana mencapai tahap pemikiran jutawan dan bagaimana menjadi salah seorang dalam kalangan mereka.

Antara perkara yang dibincangkan dalam Rahsia Minda Jutawan adalah;

  • Motivasi minda yang digunakan oleh jutawan
  • Rahsia kejayaan mereka
  • Penggunaan minda separa sedar
  • Bagaimana cara meniru pemikiran jutawan
  • Jalan Menuju Kejayaan

7. Refining composition skills  6th ed.

Refining composition

 Pengarang :  Regina L. Smalley    

Imprint  : Australia  :  Heinle Cengage , 2012

Muka surat : 402 ms.

Sinopsis :

The new edition of this best-selling series combines comprehensive development and practice in the rhetorical modes while integrating instruction in reading, grammar, critical thinking, and vocabulary development. -Developing Composition Skills focuses students on narrating, describing, analyzing, comparing and contrasting, classifying, and evaluating at the paragraph level and offers a complete introduction that bridges the gap between the paragraph and the essay level. -Refining Composition Skills develops essay writing skills needed for success at the college level by thoroughly reviewing and presenting the following rhetorical modes: compare and contrast, example, classification, process analysis, cause and effect, and argument


8. Senaman regangan & pergerakan solat  

Senaman regangan

Pengarang :  Wan Abu Bakar Wan Abas   

Imprint  : Kuala Lumpur :  Universiti Malaya , 2014

Muka surat :  65 ms

Sinopsis :

Kesan spritual solat diterangkan secara nyata di dalam kitab suci al-Quran, hadith Nabi Muhammad S.A.W. dan pelbagai buku di seluruh dunia. Solat seumpama senaman tanpa menggunakan sebarang alat bantuan. Ia melibatkan pergerakan badan seperti berdiri, duduk, rukuk, dan sujud. Ianya juga boleh dilakukan secara berseorangan atau berkumpulan.

Amalan solat secara harian, boleh dianggap sebagai senaman fizikal sederhana semula jadi yang mempunyai senaman regangan. Senaman regangan merupakan salah satu jenis senaman yang lazimnya disyorkan dalam rawatan pemulihan. Amalan ini jika dilakukan secara terus-menerus akan memberikan kesan yang positif kepada tubuh manusia. Pergerakan solat dapat mengaktifkan otot-otot peha, betis, dan tulang belakang. Aktiviti yang mudah dilakukan ini mampu memberikan kekuatan kepada sistem otot dan tubuh badan.


9. The complete handbook of coaching

The complete handbook

Pengarang :  Elaine Cox        

Imprint  :  Los Angeles  :  Sage , 2018

Muka surat :  362 ms   

Sinopsis :

This book provides a wide-ranging guide to the complex, multidisciplinary area of coaching, helping trainees to find comprehensive answers to their coaching questions. It allows them to identify and develop their own personal style of coaching.

A specially selected group of international authors contribute various expertise and insights across three key areas:

  • Theoretical perspectives
  • Contexts and genres of coaching
  • Professional practice Issues

Learning is also supported by new online resources. Videos, case studies, journal articles, and useful websites have been carefully collated by our contributors to help trainees make the crucial link between theory and practice.


10. Urban planning and the development process

Urban Planning

Pengarang :  David Adams          

Imprint :  London  :  Routledge ,  1994

Muka surat :  248 ms 

Sinopsis :

This text is about the very essence of urban planning in a market economy. It is concerned with people - landowners, developers, investors, politicians and ordinary members of the public - who produce change in towns and cities as they relate to each other and react to development Pressure. Whether Such Change Occurs Slowly And Is Almost Unnoticed, Or happens rapidly and is highly disruptive, a production process is creating a finished product: the built environment. This form of production, known as the land and property development process, is regulated but not controlled by the state. Urban planning is therefore best considered as one form of state intervention in the development process.; Since urban planning would have no legitimate basis without state power, it is an inherently political activity, able to alter the distribution of scarce environmental resources. Through doing so, it seeks to resolve conflicts of interest over the use and development of land. However, urban plans that appear to favour particular interests such as house-builders above others such as community groups provoke intense controversy. Development planning can thus become highly politicized, with alliances and divisions between politicians not always explained by traditional party politics.; These issues are explored with particular reference to statutory plan-making at the local level. The author draws on his extensive research into urban planning and development, making use of recent case studies and examples to illustrate key points. There are four parts. The first explores the operation of land and property markets and development processes, and examines how the state intervenes in the form of urban planning. The second part looks at the people and organizations who play a critical role in shaping the built environment and considers their relationship with the planning system. Specific attention is paid to important actors in the development process, such as landowners, developers, financial institutions, professional advisers and to the variety of agencies in the public sector that aim to promote development. This concludes with discussion of public- private partnerships and growth coalitions. The third part of the book concentrates on local development planning.

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