1. Variasi Bantal Hiasan Comel
Pengarang : Fahimah Farid
Imprint : Shah Alam : Group Buku Karangkraf , 2016
Mukasurat : 109 ms
Bantal hiasan merupakan seni kraf mainan lembut (soft toy). Menghasilkan bantal hiasan merupakan kreativiti dan idea. Setiap proses yang dilakukan, harus dibuat dengan teliti supaya bantal yang dihasilkan betul-betul kemas dan cantik. Idea untuk menghasilkan bantal hiasan ini, boleh dirujuk di dalam internet mahupun buku-buku keluaran tempatan dan antarabangsa.
2. Brownies Paling Agung
Pengarang : Khairul Hakimi Muhammad
Imprint : Shah Alam : Group Buku Krangkraf , 2017
Mukasurat : 80 ms
Brownies digemari ramai oleh seluruh masyarakat tidak mengira usia dan bangsa.
Brownies kini menjadi semakin popular. Selain menjadi hidangan sampingan keluarga, ia turut menjadi hadiah hari jadi, hantaran pertunangan, cenderahati perkahwinan dan sebagainya.
Buku ini mengandungi 30 resipi brownies. Antaranya seperti Double Chocolate Brownies, Red Velvet Brownies, Fruits Mix Brownies, Dark Chocolate Brownies, Congo Bar, Strawberry Bar dan lain-lain.
Penggunaan bahan-bahan yang cukup mudah didapati. Selain penerangan cara membuat yang sangat jelas dan simple mengikut turutan.
Pembuatan brownies kini telah menjadi trend bisnes untuk dikomersilkan sebagai sumber pendapatan yang lumayan. Selain dijual di kedai, brownies juga menjadi pilihan sebagai cenderahati tetamu dalam banyak majlis keramaian.
Selain perkongsian resipi buku ini juga mengandungi pelbagai info & tip seperti: Pengenalan kepada jenis-jenis coklat, kekacang, tepung dan sebagainya. Terdapat juga petua yang dikongsikan.
Harga tidak mahal. Mampu milik.
Buku ini sebagai rujukan.
Gambar-gambar terang dengan penerangan pembuatan yang jelas.
3. Doing Real Research
Pengarang : Eric Allen Jensen
Imprint : Los Angeles : Sage , 2016
Mukasurat : 374 ms
Sinopsis :
Challenging the formality and idealized settings of conventional methods teaching and opting instead for a real world approach to social research, this book offers frank, practical advice designed to empower students and researchers alike.
Theoretically robust and with an exhaustive coverage of key methodologies and methods the title establishes the cornerstones of social research. Examples reflect research conducted inside and outside formal university settings and range from the extremes of war torn countries to the complexities of school classrooms.
Supported by a wealth of learning features and tools the textbook and website include:
- Video top tips
- Podcasts
- Full text journal articles
- Interviews with researchers conducting field research
- Links to external websites and blogs
- Student exercises
- Real world case studies
4. Heritage Building Information Modelling
Pengarang : Yusuf Arayici
Imprint : Oxon : Routledge , 2017
Mukasurat : 279 ms
Sinopsis :
Building Information Modelling (BIM) is being debated, tested and implemented wherever you look across the built environment sector. This book is about Heritage Building Information Modelling (HBIM), which necessarily differs from the commonplace applications of BIM to new construction.
Where BIM is being used, the focus is still very much on design and construction. However, its use as an operational and management tool for existing buildings, particularly heritage buildings, is lagging behind.
The first of its kind, this book aims to clearly define the scope for HBIM and present cutting-edge research findings alongside international case studies, before outlining challenges for the future of HBIM research and practice.
After an extensive introduction to HBIM, the core themes of the book are arranged into four parts:
- Restoration philosophies in practice
- Data capture and visualisation for maintenance and repair
- Building performance
- Stakeholder engagement
This book will be a key reference for built environment practitioners, researchers, academics and students engaged in BIM, HBIM, building energy modelling, building surveying, facilities management and heritage conservation more widely.
5. Jejak Pelabur Hartanah
Pengarang : Dr Shah Razali
Imprint : Puchong : DRS Publishing , 2015
Mukasurat : 194 ms
Sinopsis :
Pertama kali terpandangkan buku Jejak Pelabur Hartanah ni cukup membuatkan aku tertarik kerana kualiti cover dan karisma si penulis yang ditonjolkan di muka depan tetapi bila lembaran buku diselak, alamak jenis tulisannya agak rapat membuatkan aku ‘agak’ pening untuk membacanya dan mungkin ianya disebabkan faktor usia aku yang semakin meningkat.. hahaha.
Sebagaimana buku tulisan pelabur-pelabur hartanah yang lain, buku ini mengupas setiap inci perkara viagra-onlines.net yang berkaitan dengan pelaburan hartanah dan bagi aku ianya amat sesuai bagi korang yang baru nak berkecimpung dalam bidang ini. Harganya yang agak berpatutan sudah cukup untuk menjadikannya buku ‘mampu milik’ buat menghiasi rak buku korang kat rumah. Apa yang mampu aku katakan tentang buku ini ialah ianya agak kurang sesuai untuk aku yang lebih mengharapkan jalan cerita kehidupan ‘doktor’ ini sehingga beliau berjaya ke tahap sekarang.
6. Menelusuri Cinta
Pengarang : Ebit Lew
Imprint : Bandar Baru Bangi : Transform Publication , 2015
Muka surat : 406 ms
Sinopsis :
" Melihat dengan cinta, mendengar dengan cinta, melalui hidup ini dengan cinta."
Dari mana datangnya cinta? Dari mata turun ke hati. Begitu madah yang sering diucapkan oleh kebanyakan manusia. Namun buku ini cuba menyingkap dan meneroka satu daerah paling dalam, yaitu sudut hati manusia yang paling dalam bagi mengisi cinta yang abadi. Apabila tertusuk panahan cinta yang hakiki maka segenap jiwa dan raga sanggup dikorbankan demi yang dicintai
Begitulah Rasulullah SAW dan para sahabah RHUM yang telah menanam bibit cinta yang sejati hingga melahirkan benih-benih hidayah yang begitu subur hingga mampu dinikmati hingga ke hari ini oleh kita.
Selingkar kisah pengalaman umat akhir zaman yang begitu dhaif dalam menagih cinta disampaikan agar menjadi pedoman dan panduan bagi kita menelusuri laluan Sang Pencinta dalam mengejar Cinta Allah Azza Wajalla.
7. Mortgage Valuation Models
Pengarang : Andrew Davidson
Imprint : Oxford : Oxford University Press , 2014
Muka surat : 253 ms.
Sinopsis :
Mortgage-backed securities (MBS) are among the most complex of all financial instruments. Analysis of MBS requires blending empirical analysis of borrower behavior with the mathematical modeling of interest rates and home prices. Over the past 25 years, Andrew Davidson and Alexander Levin have been at the leading edge of MBS valuation and risk analysis.
Mortgage Valuation Models: Embedded Options, Risk, and Uncertainty contains a detailed description of the sophisticated theories and advanced methods that the authors employ in real-world analyses of mortgage-backed securities. Issues such as complexity, borrower options, uncertainty, and model risk play a central role in the authors' approach to the valuation of MBS. The coverage spans the range of mortgage products from loans and TBA (to-be-announced) pass-through securities to subordinate tranches of subprime-mortgage securitizations. With reference to the classical CAPM and APT, the book advocates extending the concept of risk-neutrality to modeling home prices and borrower options, well beyond interest rates. It describes valuation methods for both agency and non-agency MBS including pricing new loans; approaches to prudent risk measurement, ranking, and decomposition; and methods for modeling prepayments and defaults of borrowers.
The authors also reveal quantitative causes of the 2007-09 financial crisis and provide insight into the future of the U.S. housing finance system and mortgage modeling as this field continues to evolve. This book will serve as a foundation for the future development of models for mortgage-backed securities.
8. Property Asset Management
Pengarang : Douglas Scarrett
Imprint : London : Routledge , 2018
Muka surat : 299 ms
Sinopsis :
Property asset management requires both day-to-day oversight of rental properties and an ability to maximize the potential of the portfolio through forward thinking and practical planning. Successful property managers must be flexible and proactive whilst maintaining a robust knowledge of technical, financial and legal aspects of the leasing system. Property Asset Management is a practical guide to the key principles of successful property management, perfect for both student and practitioner alike.
In this book, Douglas Scarrett and Jan Wilcox demonstrate how to successfully manage properties for the varying needs of clients ranging from individual property owners to large international commercial ventures. As well as the basic theory, Property Asset Management discusses the process of active management, the strategic objectives, performance measurement, and the key financial and operational information needed for high quality and comprehensive reporting to clients.
This fourth edition has new chapters on corporate real estate and financial management, and has been extensively rewritten to incorporate recent developments in property management. Software screenshots are used to illustrate salient points and readers are provided with a thorough overview of the latest legal aspects of land ownership and tenancy arrangements. With everything you need for successful property asset management, this book both caters for the needs of RICS accredited and business courses and serves as a handy guide for everyday practice.
9. Syoknya Kerja Kita!
Pengarang : Arwan Aziz
Imprint : Petaling Jaya : Legacy Publishing , 2017
Muka surat : 130 ms
Sinopsis :
Syoknya Kerja Kita telah berada dipasaran. Boleh dilihat dikedai buku iaitu di MPH Bookstore.
Bekerja. Seronok
Dua perkataan yang tidak pernah diletakkan dalam ayat yang sama.
Bagaimana kita dapat berasa seronok semasa bekerja?
Bagaimana kita dapat menjadikan kerja kita sebagai terapi harian?
Syoknya Kerja Kita memberikan langkah-langkah mudah yang dapat dipraktikkan bagi menjadikan kita lebih seronok bekerja. Kita tidak sedar yang kita sebenarnya mempunyai KUASA hebat yang dapat mengubah cara kita bekerja.
Ketahui langkah ini dan bekerja dengan seronok untuk seumur hidup.
10. Valuations, Mergers & Acquisitions
Pengarang : Greg Beech
Imprint : Cape Town : Oxford University Press , 2015
Muka surat : 299 ms
Sinopsis :
Valuations, mergers and acquisitions deals with the valuation of businesses for the purpose of mergers and acquisitions transactions, shareholder exits, capital raising and initial public offerings and covers the key principles involved in valuing businesses as going concerns. The book addresses the valuation of debt and derivative instruments, and provides insights into valuing specialised assets such as property. These principles are illustrated using extensive real-life examples and case studies. Valuations, mergers and acquisitions is relevant to senior undergraduate students taking modules in Valuations and Mergers and Acquisitions as part of Financial Management courses, MBA and MBL students, and SAICA seminar students. The book is also of practical use to corporate financiers and company executives who wish to clarify or research particular areas of concern in valuing a business in practice.