<style>.lazy{display:none}</style>Sinopsis Buku Julai 2022 - INSTITUT PENILAIAN NEGARA



1. Regulating Information Asymmetry in the Residential Real Estate Market

Regulating Information Asymmetry

Pengarang   : Devin Lin              

Imprint          : London: Routledge, 2018 

Mukasurat    : 280  


This book elaborate detailed examination of the current form of the Hong Kong residential property regulatory system: The 2013 Residential Properties (First-hand Sales) Ordinance (Cap 621). The author sheds light on how the new legislation promotes a number of values including information symmetry, consumer protection, the free market and business efficacy. It provides a detailed account of how the regulatory mechanism has evolved over the past three decades to catch unconscionable sales tactics (such as selective information and/or misrepresentation of location, size, completion date and past transactions) and monitor sales practices in order to protect the interests of stakeholders in this ever-changing first-hand residential property market. This book breaks down this complicated subject matter by focusing a number of chapters each on a specific attribute of the residential property on sale. It then examines the various channels through which the information is communicated to the prospective buyer and discusses misrepresentation of the key information in sales of residential properties as criminal liability. The tension between consumer's rights on one hand and the pursuit of free market principles on the other is explained but one example of the conflicting values thoroughly discussed in the book, others include superstition vs. modernization and clarity vs. flexibility. Aimed at those with an interest in consumer protection and transparency-orientated legislation in commercialized real estate transactions, this book seeks to provide an in-depth discussion of the latest trends and directions of travel.

2. Managing Diversity and Inclusion in the Real Estate Sector

Managing Diversity

Pengarang   : Amanda Clack and Judith Gabler               

Imprint          : London: Routledge, 2019 

Mukasurat    : 165  


Research shows that high-performing organizations focus on diversity and inclusion (D&I). In any workplace, it is important to both understand and recognize the benefits that having a D&I workforce provides. It is integral to developing people within an organization, serving clients as best we can, and playing an important leadership role in communities. This book is the first to place D&I at the center of successful real estate and construction organizations. It provides guidance to, and most importantly, actions for professionals in the sector who want to make D&I an inherent part of the culture of their organization. This book has been written to bring the sector up to speed with what D&I is all about and how a D&I strategy can be implemented to secure future success. It presents a practical and easy-to-read guide that can help organizations and their leaders engage with and apply this agenda to win the war for talent in real estate and construction. This book is essential reading for all property leaders and professionals working in the real estate and construction sectors. Readers will gain especially from personal reflections on all aspects of diversity by a broad range of people working in the property industry.

3. A Guide to Landlord and Tenant Law        

A Guide to Landlord

Pengarang   : Emily Walsh             

Imprint          : London: Routledge, 2018 

Mukasurat    : 347    

Sinopsis :

A Guide to Landlord and Tenant Law provides a strong foundation in commercial landlord and tenant, and housing law. The book is designed to provide a complete course text for both undergraduate and postgraduate students from surveying and real estate management backgrounds. This clear and accessible textbook aims to introduce the reader to the fundamentals of both residential and commercial landlord and tenant law by considering the nature of the tenancy and the relationship between the parties. It examines the main elements of the commercial lease including rent, repair, alienation, termination and statutory renewal. The main types of residential tenancy are also considered including assured and assured shorthold tenancies, secure and Rent Act tenancies and long leasehold enfranchisement. The book aims to familiarise the reader with the contractual documentation as well as the common law and statutory codes which form the basis of landlord and tenant transactions. It contains useful features such as: extracts from the Model Commercial Lease key case summaries, a glossary and chapter summaries further reading lists. In addition, students on the Legal Practice Course and Bar Professional Training Course will find this to be a useful supplementary resource as will professional surveyors and lawyers looking for a refresher on the latest landlord and tenant law.

4. Strategic Security: Forward Thinking for Successful Executives  

Strategic Security

Pengarang   : Jean Perois             

Imprint          : London: CRC Press, 2019 

Mukasurat    : 203  

Sinopsis :

Strategic Security will help security managers, and those aspiring to the position, to think strategically about their job, the culture of their workplace, and the nature of security planning and implementation. Security professionals tend to focus on the immediate (the urgent) rather than the important and essential-too often serving as "firefighters" rather than strategists. This book will help professionals consider their roles, and structure their tasks through a strategic approach without neglecting their career objectives. Few securities management books for professionals in the field focus on corporate or industrial security from a strategic perspective. Books on the market normally provide "recipes," methods or guidelines to develop, plans, policies or procedures. However, many do so without considering the personal element that is supposed to apply these methods. In this book, the authors help readers to consider their own career development in parallel with establishing their organisation security programme. This is fundamental to becoming, and serving as, a quality, effective manager. The element of considering career objectives as part-and-parcel to this is both unique to only this book and vital for long-term career success. The author delineates what makes strategic thinking different in a corporate and security environment. While strategy is crucial in the running of a company, the traditional attitude towards security is that it has to fix issues quickly and at low cost. This is an attitude that no other department would tolerate, but because of its image, security departments sometimes have major issues with buy-in and from top-management. The book covers the necessary level of strategic thinking to put their ideas into practice. Once this is achieved, the strategic process is explained, including the need to build the different steps into this process-and into the overarching business goals of the organisation-will be demonstrated.

5. Monetary Valuation of Environmental Impacts: Models and Data

Monetary Valuation

Pengarang   : Bengt Steen           

Imprint           : London:  CRC Press, 2020 

Mukasurat    : 251

Sinopsis :

The book is meant to improve our understanding of sustainable development of production and consumption. Monetary values of the impact of emission and resources are determined, and used in environmental management, with a focus on sustainability. Values related to cultural context are not possible to predict, therefore ignored. The book only focuses on environmental goods and services that are used to satisfy basic human needs. One of the benefits of monetary valuation is its holistic approach. The impact of any contributing factor on the total value, can be determined, and the sensitivity to uncertainty in inputs can be estimated. This is useful in developing knowledge, where it is most needed. In a society, there are many economic units which need to function in tandem to support human welfare. Each unit has its own system boundary in what it includes and covers in time and space. The system boundary of a sustainable unit is likely to be very long and wide. This book provides data on long term monetary values of environmental impacts from human activities. It discusses the choice of system boundaries, and how to use monetary values in sustainable development. A large part of the book describes impact models in terms of the relation between emissions and natural goods and services.

6. What is Facilities Management All About? 

What is Facilities Mgt

Pengarang   : Steven EE         

Imprint          : Kuala Lumpur: Steven EE, 2019

Muka surat   : 61

Sinopsis :

This book teaches Facilities Management (FM) practitioners the steps that can help them take decisive steps towards creating clarity and direction in FM. There is something in this book for both seasoned and new FM practitioners as both face the same problem – their function is viewed as non-strategic, a support role, and a cost centre. As a result of that, many FM practitioners are out of synch with the core business activities of their different organizations and are not fulfilled in their roles. To help them out of their misery, the author shares professional pieces of timely advice to help FM practitioners to not just practice FM the right way, but to also be knowledgeable enough to position their functions as a strategic one. The book bridges the gap between what is desired in FM and what the reader already knows in a deliberate attempt at offering solutions that cut across the industry.

“What is Facilities Management All About?” tackles the challenges facing FM in a ground-up approach. First, the book seeks to get readers to be aligned with FM identity and proceeds to outline ways in which practitioners can make FM a value centre instead of a cost centre or a profit centre. At the end of the book, readers will be more informed about the identity of FM, the mission of FM, and the core responsibilities of FM. With this knowledge, they can be in a better position to relate their function to top executives in their organization to elevate it to a strategic one. Hence, the book is a must-read for both new and seasoned FM practitioners.

7. Governance Ethics in Healthcare Organizations

Governance Ethics

Pengarang   : Gerard Magill            

Imprint           : London: Routledge, 2020

Muka surat   : 214

Sinopsis :

Drawing on the findings of a series of empirical studies undertaken with boards of directors and CEOs in the United States, this ground-breaking book develops a new paradigm to provide a structured analysis of ethical healthcare governance. Governance Ethics in Healthcare Organizations begins by presenting a clear framework for ethical analysis, designed around basic features of ethics - who we are, how we function, and what we do - before discussing the paradigm in relation to clinical, organizational, and professional ethics. It goes on to apply this framework in areas that are pivotal for effective governance in healthcare: oversight structures for trustees and executives, community benefit, community health, patient care, patient safety and conflicted collaborative arrangements. This book is an important read for all those interested in healthcare management, corporate governance and healthcare ethics, including academics, students and practitioners.

8. Industrial Energy Management Strategies: Creating a Culture of  Continuous Improvement

Industrial Energy

Pengarang   : Kaushik Bhattacharjee        

Imprint           : London : Routledge , 2020

Muka surat   : 294  

Sinopsis :

The importance of energy management has grown in recent years due to the heightened awareness of the impact of energy use on the environment and its very real impact on a company’s bottom line. This book provides a detailed and knowledgeable reference for those engaged in the energy management field or those just starting out by illustrating a practical approach to implementing energy management programs using case studies and real-world experience. Topics covered include new areas of development such as CUSUM and multivariate regression analysis. Also included is coverage of all systems and standards that affect energy management, including ISO50001, EMIS, Industrial Refrigeration, Cooling Water System and Industrial Ventilation System. Technical, organizational, and behavioural considerations are covered. The book is designed as a quick reference guide for practicing energy managers.

9.Dunia Diuji Syurga Dinikmati

Duni Diuji

Pengarang   :   Ustaz Halim Din

Imprint           :   Batu Caves: PTS, 2019

Muka surat   :   132    

Sinopsis :

Sebuah buku yang mengajak pembaca supaya muhasabah dan mengaudit diri ke arah yang lebih baik. Ujian yang diturunkan oleh Allah kepada hambaNya bukan bermaksud Allah tidak sayang tetapi Allah tahu hambaNya mampu. Dimuatkan juga cara-cara mengundang syurga dan dinyatakan kenikmatan syurga yang mendorong motivasi pembaca dalam menjadi hamba Allah yang berkualiti.  Buku ini juga banyak memberi motivasi kepada diri kita agar sentiasa tabah dalam menghadapi segala ujian.

 10. Pelan-Pelan Kayuh

Pelan Pelan Kayuh

Pengarang   : Bonda Nor  

Imprint          : Petaling Jaya: Geleri Ilmu, 2018

Muka surat   : 194  

Sinopsis :

Buku ini menghimpunkan 26 kisah-kisah benar penulis daripada 26 orang yang berlainan. Kisah - kisah ini dikongsikan semasa mereka menyertai Bengkel Penulisan Bonda Nor

Kisah-kisah yang dikongsikan ini kebanyakannya adalah dugaan, pengalaman atau musibah yang melanda serta bagaimana setiap ujian yang dihadapi menjadi titik perubahan yang menjadikan mereka insan yang lebih baik. Kisah-kisah dalam buku ini semunya pendek dan ringkas sahaja. Jadi tidak mengambil masa yang lama untuk menghabiskan pembacaan buku ini. Kalau menjadi lama pun, mungkin sebab pembaca berhenti sekejap termenung disebabkan adanya kisah yang membuatkan kita berfikir sejenak sambil membandingkan dengan kisah hidup kita sendiri.

Kisah pertama dalam buku ini dimulakan dengan kisah Bonda Nor sendiri yang bertajuk Puteri Kecubung yang menceritakan kehidupan penulis melalui cabaran dan liku-liku kehidupan sebelum beliau dapat membina kerjaya yang stabil dan berjaya menjadi penulis best seller, menerima Anugerah Buku Popular dan penulisan beliau muncul di pelbagai media massa.

Dalam setiap kisah di dalam naskah ini juga, terdapat pelbagai kata-kata motivasi, petikan hadith dan ayat Al-Quran turut dimasukkan yang mana ia berkaitan dengan kisah penulis untuk penghayatan bersama para pembaca.